News Detail


Mar, 2021

2021 Quarantine Protocols

The following quarantine protocols are put in place to protect the safety and welfare of all the families in the league. If anyone in your household is showing any symptoms outlined below that are COVID related, it is important that the entire house avoid contact with other people, until symptoms are gone or they produce a negative test result.

The sections that follow will cover symptoms, quarantine scenarios for players/coaches, teams and family’s, and travel quarantine procedure.

Until an online form is in place, please contact your coach if your child has any symptoms below, tests positive for COVID, has come in contact with someone who has tested positive, if you plan on traveling out of state or have returned from traveling out of state.


YOU should stay home or will be sent home if you have

2 of the following-       OR           1 of the following-     OR               You have-

Fever 100.0F or higher        New Cough.                                 Been within 6 feet 

Headaches                Shortness of Breath                     For an 

Body Aches                Difficulty Breathing                        Accumulative total

Chills / Shivers                    Lost of Taste or Smell                   Of 15 minutes or 

Sore Throat.                                                                                     More within 24 hr

Nausea.                                                                              Period to a person 

Fatigue                                      that has tested

Runny Nose                                      positive for COVID




When Can the player return? 

Positive COVID test        No COVID test                Negative COVID TEST

You may return        You may return AFTER    YOu may return when you

AFTER 10 days         10 days             not had a fever for 24 hrs

AND                 AND                 without medication 

At least 24 Hours                   At least 24 hours NO         AND

NO FEVER without.              FEVER without            Respiratory Symptoms 

Taking medication        taking medication         have improved


Symptom have 


Must Obtain Medical 

Clearance to return 

To campus


Direct and or Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of someone with suspected or known COVID-19 for 15 or more minutes during a 24-hour period. In certain situations, it may be difficult to determine whether individuals have met this criterion and an entire group may need to be considered exposed. 

The timeline for contact with a positive case begins 24 hours prior to the date when the positive person either showed symptoms or took the COVID-19 test. 

All members of a household are assumed positive when 1 person in the house has received a positive test result. At this time players and coaches in this household will fall under the direct/close contact quarantine procedures outlined below.

If a member of the household is quarantined as a result of a mandatory team quarantine, and has no symptoms, other players and coaches in that household are not required to quarantine. If the person quarantining begins to show symptoms or tests positive, the entire household must quarantine for 14 days. 

Direct/Close Contact

  1. If a coach or player tests positive, and has been in contact with the team 24hrs prior to when they took the test or began to show symptoms, the entire team (players and coaches) must quarantine for 14 days. 

  2. If a player or coach tests positive, but has not been in contact with the team 24hrs prior to when they showed symptoms or took the test, then only that player or coach must quarantine.

Household Contact

  1. If a household member has come into contact with a positive individual, then the player must quarantine for 14 days, regardless of test results.

  2. If during quarantine, a household member tests positive, that player/coach must quarantine an additional 14 days from the positive test. If that same player has come in contact with the team within 24 hours prior to when they took the test or shoes symptoms, the entire team must quarantine for 14 days. 


  1. Anyone who travels outside of the NJ, NY, CT, PA, DE, must quarantine 14 days upon returning from travel.

  2. If traveling outside of NJ, NY, CT, PA, DE, the family must wait 4 days to take a COVID test. If after that time, the entire families results are negative, the player may return as long as the individual is symptom free. 

Local Sponsors

Lakeland Little League - Stanhope, New Jersey

P.O. Box 474 
Stanhope, New Jersey 07874

Phone: 973-229-3521

Email: [email protected]